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Tapestry Frame Louet Lisa Loom | Louet Weaving Loom

Get Creative

The Lisa Tapestry Loom is available in four sizes.  The smallest one is a great low-cost introductory loom to the art of weaving, being extremely easy to warp and weave. Larger sizes are ideal for creating your next textile art piece.  

The small Lisa tapestry frames come with a standard flat shuttle and pick-up stick to get you started straight away. The larger frame looms are made with raddle segments.  Frame stands are also available and are a great option when you want to have your stand held on a table (as shown in main image). 

For professional results have a look at Louet's weighted tapestry beater here.

The four sizes available are:

  • Small (20 x 25cm)
  • Medium (40 x 60cm)
  • Large (50 x 75cm)
  • Extra Large (60 x 90cm)
