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Pineapple Yarns: Weaving, Basketry, Knitting Handicraft Art

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Pineapple Yarns Made From Pineapple Leaves

Pineapple bast fibre and yarns have been sourced from the leaves of the pineapple plant. The fibres produce a strong and durable yarn that makes for a sustainable yarn similar to flax and hemp.

Pineapple leaves are used to produce a textile fibre that is used to make fabrics. Pineapple is mainly grown in sub-tropic countries including the Philippines, Hawaii, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Brazil, and the West Indies. Cultivation of pineapple leaf fibres is actually an age-old tradition, but in the last couple of decades, it has been revived in order to provide more sustainable fibre options to crafters in many parts of the world.
