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Journeys in Natural Dyeing | Kristine Vejar and Adrienne Rodriguez

Techniques for Creating Colour at Home

Journeys in Natural Dyeing tells the story of Kristine Vejar and Adrienne Rodriguez's trips to four countries: Iceland, Mexico, Japan, and Indonesia, where they met natural dyers who use locally sourced dyes to create textiles that evoke beauty, a connection to their environment, and demonstrate their mastery of a skill.

Our relationship with textiles, like cooking and sharing meals, is a fundamental aspect of our human existence. Making textiles fosters human connection, belonging, community, and friendship. Natural dyeing is the closest thing to cooking in the world of textiles.

This book shares their process of using their own locally-grown dyes and includes recipes and projects to create more than 400 shades of colour. In addition, you will learn how to use your own natural environment to develop deep, beautiful colours. No matter where you live, creating colour naturally is possible.
