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Weaving Loom Blogs

Tapestry weaving is one of the best ways to let your creativity shine through as it is not restricted to colours or patterns. Let us help you get a deeper understanding of tapestry weaving through this article.
At the heart of every weave lies the crucial step of warping the loom. In this article, we explore the different methods of warping your loom, empowering you to bring your weaving visions to life with precision and artistry. Learn how to prepare your loom, choose your warp yarn, and follow step-by-step instructions for successful warping.
Warping your loom is essential for weaving projects. Learn about the different tools and methods to efficiently prepare your warp for weaving.
Ashford offers a range of beautifully designed rigid heddle looms for weavers of all levels. In this article, we discuss the similarities and differences between the Ashford rigid heddle looms, as well as how to choose the right one for you if you are a beginner who wants to explore rigid heddle weaving.
Looking to start weaving? Discover the different types of weaving looms available in the market and find the perfect one for your skill level, space, and budget. Let us help you in choosing a weaving loom that suits you best!
There are different types of shuttles and choosing the right one will help make your weaving easier, faster, more efficient, and more enjoyable. Read this article and let us help you in your weaving journey.
Rigid heddle weaving is an accessible yet effective way to weave that can be done by beginners. If you are a beginner weaver, this guide aims to assist you on your weaving journey by laying out the necessary information about what you need, including the must-have tools and materials.
Inkle weaving is a versatile way to weave fabric and can be used to create anything from belts and dog leashes to necklaces and handbag straps. It is also a great way for complete beginners to explore weaving. Read this article to learn more about inkle loom weaving.
Table looms are popular among beginners and experienced weavers alike because it offers versatility, portability, and endless possibilities. Keep reading and let us help you learn how to get started weaving on a table loom.
We have pulled together a list of must-have floor loom weaving tools and accessories. If you want to take your weaving skills to the next level, these top 10 items should definitely come into play.
Heddles are a fundamental part of a weaving loom. This guide aims to help new to intermediate weavers understand Texsolv heddles and how they work.
Rigid heddle weaving is a good entry point into the wonderful world of weaving for a beginner weaver. Aside from exploring different weaving patterns, choosing yarn and reed for the rigid heddle loom is important before starting any project.
